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蛇年邮票【视频】- 城市的温度孕育了热情的武汉人 夸夸我的大武汉-武汉广播电视台

发布时间: 2014-07-09 浏览: 435
【视频】| 城市的温度孕育了热情的武汉人 夸夸我的大武汉-武汉广播电视台
经过近一个月的展播,来自幼儿、中学、成人组三个组别的近40位选手都使出了自己的看家本领,纷纷化身武汉的宣传大使夸武汉夏筠妍 ,赞江城!我们在此次组织较为集中的五所学校里各选出了一名超人气选手铁血娇娃 ,邀请他们在演播厅进行了现场录制,请关注Han News的微信推送,为他们的精彩表现点赞吧!
Over nearly a month after the show, around40 presentersfrom the three groups of preschool, middle school and adultshave given their best shots in presenting Wuhan to the world by being Wuhan's publicityambassadors.We have picked out 5 most popular presenters from 5 schools where organizations are comparatively concentrated and theyhavebeeninvited to enter our super largestudioof Wuhan TV for live recording. So please stay tuned to our Wechat channel and see the great performance of them!

还记得黄端砚吗蛇年邮票?那个恬静的小女孩招石文 ,阳光下说着:武汉是有温度的大院子女 ,温暖的城市孕育了武汉人...道出了咱们武汉人的心声大内低手 。演播厅里的她,更加大方自然,娓娓道来她与武汉的故事...
Do you still remember Huang Duanyan? That quiet little girl50层魔塔, standing under the sunshine, said: Wuhan is a warm place that makes people feel warm. She has certainly spoken out loud for all people in Wuhan! When she stands in the studio, Huang Duanyan seems to be more at ease and decent.张嘉蓉, drawing us into the story between her and Wuhan

除了他们夸武汉倪梓强 ,连国际友城的市长们薄连根 ,都对武汉赞不绝口

旧迎新之际单向暗恋你 ,20多个武汉国际友好城市的市长们城口老腊肉 ,在“牡丹号”上开了个派对,欣赏江景,品尝各类美食,市长们都忍不住连连给武汉点赞。并纷纷邀请武汉市民去到他们的城市吃喝游玩。
At the end of 2017, city mayors of over 20 international friendly cities of Wuhan held a party on the boat of “poeny.” While enjoying the beautiful scenery and tasting various delicious food, the mayors all gave thumbs up to Wuhan. Meanwhile, they have invited Wuhan citizens to have fun in their cities.

国际化新武汉,《Han News》在见证。
Han News is here to witness an increasing international new Wuhan.

《Han News》
Debuts: 20:00 p.m.
Rebroadcast: 21: 54p.m.(the same day) 13:18p.m. (the following day)
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编辑:齐雯 叶科 胡豆豆