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窃读记课文【视频】- Total Guide to Japan 一不小心穿越日本,霓虹国赏色全攻略-小尾巴GoPlay

发布时间: 2016-12-05 浏览: 439
【视频】| Total Guide to Japan 一不小心穿越日本,霓虹国赏色全攻略-小尾巴GoPlay

If one must provide reasons for their choice of vacation destination, I can write an lengthy essay on why I want to go to japan; and if I must shorten it down, here are the five pillars of my reasoning on the matter.

MOE Japan - The 2D world
Home to Hayao Miyazaki and many other influential world class masters, Japan is the heaven to ACG lovers from around the globe. There si a manga center in Akihabara鲁冰花简谱 , where you can find all sorts of merchandise and numerous manga-themed cafes. Can you even contain yourself here?

FRESH Japan - Itamae stars
Michelin three-star sushithat’s "worth a lifetime wait", unadon(eel bowl) that fill you withhappiness, tempurathat will “disappear withing seconds”, I believe that a lot of youmust be more familiar to the Japanese cuisine than I am. Japanese chefs are like good craftsman who will carefully polishthe foodlike a gem. Be prepared to gain few pounds before coming to this country!曹婴

SACRED Japan - Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji is one of the Holy Mountain. Stand on the highest elevation of Japan, immerse into the world of clouds and cleanse your soul. Like a irresitable magnet, Fuji is charming throughout the years.

For our friends who likesukiyo-emust be familiar with Fuji’s might, as depicted in “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji” by the great Hokusai of the Edo period.

RELAXING Japan - Onsen and Zen
在外面也晃悠了一天,入夜后去到大浴场(日本传统温泉旅社对公共泡汤区的叫法),学者当地人走完一套入浴前的仪式,慢慢走进温泉的拥抱。放松全身其实一点都不难,交给温泉就行。记得走之前喝一瓶冰牛奶,才算走完一次最地道的日式温泉体验。After a long day outside情碎海伦娜, relax at the furo(Japanese bath) with the traditional bathing ritual, let yourself be embraced by the hot spring water. Remember to drink a glass of cold milk before you leave to complete your onsen experience.

Fashionable Japan - top notch service
Bape、Play、Evisu大约克 ,相信每个时尚达人衣柜里都少不了一件日本潮牌。日本潮牌毋庸置疑芒果店长 ,日本的贴心服务更是甩很多国家几条街。窃读记课文热情拿捏刚刚好的商场服务、24小时邮局、女性专用车等等这样的服务小细节真是十分的贴心。
Bape于佳明, Plays, Evisu… Every fashionista must have a piece of Japanese stamens clothing in their closets. There is no doubt that Japan has some of the most trendy brands, they also have one of the warmest service in the world. Caring shopping guide, 24-hour Post office, Women-only passenger car are just some examples of their attentiveness.

光是动漫、美食、美景等这些选项,你是不是已经按耐不住开始做攻略了?别急,今年5月8日,日本发表了新的签证政策契科夫简介 ,去日本旅游变得越来越方便,越来越容易啦!这绝对是一个加分项。
Anime, food, and the scenery more than enough reasons that you should start plannign your trip now. On 8th May this year岷江源头 , Japan has issued a new visa policy, making trips to Japan easier and more convenient.

But if you are really too busy to visit them, worry not. 2017 is the 45th anniversary of normalisation of Sino-Japanese relations, there are many ways to experience the cultural exchange while staying at home. Watch the video below to get more details. Follow the offical Wechat account of Consulate in Shenyang, more excitements are coming!

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