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发布时间: 2019-12-24 浏览: 474


月14日上午,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛( the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation)在北京正式拉开帷幕。
据悉冯天魁,出席论坛活动的除29位国家元首和政府首脑、多位国际组织负责人恋恋星尘 ,还有130多个国家的约1500名各界贵宾。

听完了习大大在论坛上的演讲蒋羽熙,下面让我们一起来听听《一带一路之歌》,有中文版 and 英文版哦~
跟上这超燃的节奏小林优美 ,海暗月影漫画一起倾听中国与世界的合唱王妃窦芽菜 !一起学习有关“一带一路”英语学习必备的相关知识!



“一带?一路?到底是什么魔法阿妈 ?”
“Yidai鬼驱人? Yilu? What on earth is it黑匣喋血记?”
“一带一路,就是丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路天外魔境真传 。郭文韬
“YidaiYilu is the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road(the Belt and Road).”
“I still don’t understand.”
有人骑着骆驼 有人驾着船
There ain’t no road thousands of years ago
Until someone opened up an exchange flow
Some came on camels some on boats
to connect our continents since days of old
Along the way of the great Silk Road,
Can’t miss those great nations before you go
Hello(Different languages)
I’ve got your back and you’ve got mine!
一带一路 就是大家一起来make friends
一带一路 就是大家一起make some fun
一带一路 就是大家一起make money
一带一路 就是大家一起来跳舞
YidaiYilu萨拉迈尼 , everybody let’s make friends
YidaiYilu, everybody let’s have some fun
YidaiYilu, everybody let’s do it right
YidaiYilu, take my hand, let’s dance all night
“What’s your dance move?”
“Peacock dance, Belly dance, Camel Dance … All flourishing through the Silk Road.”
“Camels can dance too?Cool!”
飞机 轮船 公路 铁路(还有internet)
Sorry ,camels郭柏鹭 , you did some good
But let’s be honest you’re way too slow
Wheels, Wings, Highways and Railroads, and don’t forget the Internet!
To do business you need them all
It all comes down to the trading Road
A road for you, for me, for all
Welcome(Different languages)
一带一路 坐下来我们一起喝茶
一带一路 朋友圈就会越来越大
一带一路 互联互通有商有量
一带一路 去哪里都像是回家
YidaiYilu, talk to the world through peace and love
YidaiYilu克里斯韦伯, is a circle of growing friendship
YidaiYilu, start a business and watch it grow
YidaiYilu, take my hand and have no regrets
一带一路 就是大家一起来make friends
一带一路 就是大家一起make some fun
一带一路 就是大家一起make it big
一带一路 就是大家一起来跳舞
YidaiYilu乡野村医 , everybody let’s make friends
YidaiYilu, everybody let’s have some fun
YidaiYilu小林拓己 , everybody let’s do it right
YidaiYilu, take my hand, let’s dance all night
听完了两个版本,你更喜欢哪个版本呢博卡思 ?