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发布时间: 2019-08-21 浏览: 402



Man’s Best Friend
Alexandra::Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful.
Robbie: Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday.
Alexandra: They're so thoughtful.
You are very lucky纪泽希, Robbie,庞青云 to have such a nice family.
Robbie: Is something wrong, Alexandra?
Alexandra: No, nothing.
Robbie: Yes乔新江 , there is. I can tell. What's the matter?
Come on, you can tell me. What's up?
Alexandra: I don't know. Something's wrong.
Robbie: OK爱有多远 , let's talk.
Alexandra: I received a letter from my parents this morning.
Robbie: Did they write some bad news?
Alexandra: No.
Robbie: Well, then why are you so sad?
Alexandra: I miss them. I miss them very much.
Robbie: I'm sorry, Alexandra. But I understand.
Alexandra: The Molina’s treat me so nicely, and I love being with your family so much ... but when I received the letter with photographs of my family爆血深秋 , I cried. I cried because I miss them all.
Robbie: You really miss your family, don't you朱贵儿 ?
Alexandra: Yes. I know I must seem silly. It's not like I have nobody. I like the Molina’s very much, and they're so kind to me.
Robbie: Hey, why don't we go out for a cheeseburger and French fries?
That'll cheer you up. And you can use my Walkman.
Alexandra: That's a good idea. But if we go out, please don't complain about your math teacher or your math homework. I want to have fun.
(rant about/ gripe about
Robbie: So do I. I have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry. (mad/ indignant/ fly into rage/ wrath)(the differences between these words)
He says I never turn them out when I leave. If they come home and they're on ...
Homesick and Comfort
上半集中的Alexandra怎么不开心了呢?Robbie又是如何让她打开心扉,哄她开心的呢岁堤春晓 ?想家怎么表达?怎么安慰不开心的小伙伴呢?
作为一名合格的盆友,对于好闺蜜好基友尤其是有好感的异性要处处关心啊斯容整容,看到TA不开心时你可以这么问: is something wrong? what's wrong? what happened? why are you so upset/ sad? what's up? what's the matetr
如果TA的回答时No, nothing (没事,没怎么),记住,一定有事,一定继续追问: yes, there is. I can tell. what's the matter? 一定有事,我看的出来,到底怎么了?Come on, you can tell me. what;s up ? 把不开心的说出来康粹兰 ,出什么事了喜欢你讨厌你?
对方听到这句话八成内心动摇想要倾诉,一般会先说“我也不知道,就是心里不舒服“ “I don't know, something is wrong””或者“我不知从何说起”“I don't know where to start””于是接下来你可以说:OK,Let's talk,我们聊聊吧四裂红景天 ,于是你就可以分享TA的喜怒哀乐啦
只是倾听还够哦,推心置腹之后找点事情让TA高兴一下,比如吃个饭,逛个街,看个电影:cheer sb up
在聊天中Robbie得知Alexandra为什么不开心——想家: miss her family very much/homesick; 倾诉完之后八目妖 ,Alexandra还有点担心Robbie会笑话她,先说:I know i must seem silly.(我知道我这样看起来一定很傻)it's not like i have nobody 并不是没人关心我;the Molinas treated me so nicely/ they're very kind to me 都表示“他们对我”
buy it for me for my birthday(送给我的生日礼物)没有难点卓苒 ,注意英汉双向表达
thoughtful 考虑周全的,贴心的,相当于 considerate
complain: 抱怨,除了这个词之外,rant 也可以表示“抱怨蔡珍妮 ,吐槽”:In the videos of Papi Jiang, the online celebrityjbdxbl , she always rants about nagging parents and dieting in her clutterd living room. 在网红Papi 酱的视频中,她在杂乱的卧室总是吐槽唠叨的父母,节食减肥。
Robbie: Do you hear something庆云金山寺 ?
Alexandra: Yes. What was that?
Robbie: It sounded like a dog barking.
Alexandra: It sounded like a dog barking right here.
Robbie:Yeah. A dog唐古拉 王麟! A springer spaniel! Come on in! Make yourself at home
Alexandra: Oh, you poor little thing. Come on.
Robbie:Poor baby. Where did you come from?
Alexandra: Her name's Gemma, and she belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Levinson. There's a phone number five five five ... eight four four eight.
Robbie, maybe you should call them and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel.
Robbie: I've always wanted a springer spaniel.
She's so cute.
The number you are calling -- 555-8448is no longer in service.
Robbie: The number's no longer in service.
Alexandra:Oh, you poor石梅线时刻表 , poor baby. You've lost your family
Robbie: We'll find them. Don't worry, Alexandra.
Man's best friend
Alexandra和Robbie发现一条走失的狗(lost dog),二人都十分热爱小动物哦,Robbie 还幽默的说 make yourself at home 别见外,(同义短语:make yourself comfortable/ be our guest/ feel free to look around)拨打项圈上的电话号码寻找失主可号码是空号(the number is no longer in service )他们到底能不能找到Gemma的主人呢,欲知详情,倾听下回分解~to be continued,今天闲来聊一聊拿下与狗有关的事~

狗年: the year of dog
生肖属相:zodiac sign/ Chinese zodiac
你属什么:what's your zodiac sign皮卡堂卖号吧 ?
我属狗: I‘m a dog.’
喜欢狗: I am a dog person
养狗: keep a dog/ have a dog
狗的品种:dog breed/ breed of the dog/what's the breed? 什么品种的
dog eat dog: 人吃人(形容竞争激烈)
It's a dog eat dog world out there.
dog's breakfast/ make a dog's breakfast of sth: 混乱。糟糕
At this time, the system is a dog's breakfast.
He's made a real dog's breakfast of these accouts.(他把账目弄得一团糟)
dog's dinner: 自以为很好
I suggest that you shouldn't be dressed like a dog's dinner because somebody will regard you as a call girl.(我建议你还是别穿的自以为很漂亮,有些人会以为你是应召女郎)
dog' s life: 悲惨的生活
He leads a dog's life.
works like a dog: (工作)累成狗
I work like a dog.
Love me艺客网, Love my dog: 爱屋及乌
Puppy love: 青涩的爱情
Top dog: 大佬
Under Dog: 黑马
Dog days: 一年中最热的几天/三伏天
the dog days of the summer

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