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速8酒店连锁品牌【视频】- The old woman who lived in a shoe 英语启蒙从韵律开始-东西未来学堂

发布时间: 2015-12-10 浏览: 411
【视频】| The old woman who lived in a shoe 英语启蒙从韵律开始-东西未来学堂中和休闲

英语专题周 第二篇
文 | 逃妈
儿子逃逃在美国上学前班的时候胎盘汤 ,老师每周都会发下来一两首韵律,要求家长和孩子一起学习西来古镇 。在逃逃的帮助下,乔引娣 我整理出他学前班整一年的材料和配套家长指导清单玻尔兹曼大脑,每周和大家分享。
本周韵律:The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

There was an old woman
Who lived in a shoe
She had so many children
She didn't know what to do
She gave them some broth
Without any bread
Then whipped them all soundly
And put them to bed

Looking at words and Letters
1. Say, I will point to three words. You tell me what letter each one starts with: woman搜尸魔, was三苗网 , many.
2. Ask your child to count the words in the first line of the poem. Then ask your child to circle the first word and the last word.
3. Ask your child to find the last line of the poem and to underline the second word in that line.
Playing with Sounds
1. Say纸张开数表 , Clap your hands if these words rhyme:
shoe斗铠 ,do
2. Say, Listen while I stretch these words. Tell me what the word is:
3. Say, Now you try it. Stretch these words:shoe, she.
Beginning to Read
1. Ask your child to draw the poem and to tell you about the picture.
2. Ask your child to circle words that name living things. Ask your child to make squares around words that are things but not alive.
3. Say, Let's play “What's the word?” We'll start with old. Now put a “g” sound at the beginning. What's the word赵云墓 ? (gold)Now change the beginning sound to “t”. What's the word? (told) Repeat with “f”and “h”.
4. Write sent on a sheet of paper. Point out the –ent word family. Together, brainstorm, write甜甜的秘密 , and read other words that rhyme and belong to the word family. (bent猥亵怎么读 , cent传说的故乡 , dent, lent, rent徐凤娇 , tent, went) Help your child remember the spellings for the various words you make.
5. Together文科恋曲, choose two or three words from the poem. Add them to your word wall and practice these words daily. Or add them to your child's word bank (a collection of words on cards, one word per card).
美国学前班老师每周发下来的韵律都配备了家长指导清单今村美穂 ,除了练习自然拼读法和为阅读做准备大观园平面图 ,还有数数、大小比较这些概念,甚至还有小科学常识学习、画画之类的项目。美国小学三年级以下的语文、数学、科学等学科都是同一个老师任课,速8酒店连锁品牌 自然在教学策略上也很讲究综合全面性。我们可以根据孩子的年龄和接受程度班贝克曼,循序渐进地选择最适合孩子的项目用友票据通,不一定每次都全部做完无视者 。
